Ravings of John C. A. Bambenek has How Bill O'Reilly gets it wrong...:
He defends Rather based on the fact that people treated him as guilty until proven innocent. Well, we know the docs were forged and he was the public face behind them. What do you expect? Whe it turned out some alleged claims about Iraqi WMD weren't apparently true Bush got blamed, despite the fact he obviously didn't sit in the CIA vetting the intel himself. It's a fact of life, if you are in charge, you are responsible. But let's skip past all that because that's not what I want to focus on.O'Reilly claims "Because of a ruthless and callow media, no citizen, much less one who achieves fame, is given the benefit of the doubt when it comes to allegations or personal attacks." but then goes on to say "Right-wing talk radio in particular pounded Kerry and also bludgeoned Dan Rather for his role in another smear incident - the charges against President Bush about his National Guard service. Again, Rather was found guilty without a fair hearing."
Isn't it odd that a person very much a part of the ruthless and callow media is now being victimized by the ruthless and callow media?
Confederate Yankee has a post titled Little Green Foul Balls:
Charles Johnson has an awesome blog at Little Green Footballs (one of my daily reads), but I think he's making a bad call by villifying Kevin Sites. Sites is the NBC reporter that shot the infamous video several days ago of a Marine killing a wounded terrorist inside a Fallujah mosque that had been used for days as a fortified bunker.
Let's Try Freedom has Political Affiliation And The Idee Fixe:
All political parties have a set of non-negotiable ideas or principles...the Republican set is more attractive to new recruits, and sets the stage for Republican electoral dominance for the foreseeable future.
SWFw/Attitude says SWFw/Attitude: Don't we owe them something?:
I leave there every Monday night with either a smile on my face or an ache in my heart. Either of which is a perfectly understandable result, I'm sure. The question that vexes me tonight (and many Monday nights) is why do we continue to let unfit parents procreate?I know that we live in a free society and what I might suggest seems so fascist but don't we, as the civilized beings that we think we are, owe it to kids to somehow monitor this? If the government is going to intervene at all in these types of situations, is it really so bad to make a semi-permanent birth control device (say depo-provera or norplant, for example) mandatory until it is verified that the parent is again (or for the first time ever) qualified to raise his/her children? Is that really fascist?
Antitheton has The horror of Iraq:
The BBC is reporting that an NBC photographer caught an American soldier on film shooting an unarmed, wounded man. The soldier has been taken into custody. It is reasonable to assume this is not the first or last time this has happened. There are posts on DailyKos and other sites calling American soldiers war criminals. In this case, it seems obvious. This soldier was absolutely wrong. But before painting all of our soldeirs with a broad brush, it helps to consider for a moment the situation our soldiers live in every day, every miserable, neverending moment.Just imagine for a moment being in a battle where the enemy doesn't wear a uniform and is everywhere, and nowhere.
Imagine seeing disemboweled corpses and dismembered limbs lying in pools of bright red blood, covered in maggots and flies.
Imagine the knot in your stomach tightening as the smell of death assaults your nostrils, over and over.
Ephemera, Etc. has Movie quotes:
The next list and television special from the American Film Institute is the AFI's Top 100 movie quotes. I'm guessing that my two favorite movie quotes won't appear, and at least in one case with good reason (because the quote wasn't actually in a movie!).My favorite two movie quotes are these...
The Easy E Lounge has A Few Words For The Democrats:
Democrats, here is my advice.Now before I go on, many of you are wondering, "What makes makes him think he can give advice to Democrats? He knows nothing about them."
Ah, but I do.
My dad, my mom, my sister, my grandparents, my aunts, my uncles etc. etc. are all Democrats. One of my uncles is a lawyer/professor/card carrying member of the ACLU. Think I'm qualified now? Good. Still don't? The "X" at the top right corner of the browser awaits you..
Blog of The Anonymous Clerk has Blog of The Anonymous Clerk: November 2004:
For those of you keeping score:
Total # of IV's attempted - 4 (including one on a fellow student)
Total # of IV's successfully inserted - 0
This is very discouraging. I only had one opportunity to try an IV on somebody today. He was this big guy, bouncer at a bar, lots of tattoos. He was there for a hernia repair. He was really cool about letting me practice on him. Plus, I figured that if he could stand the pain of getting elaborate custom tattoos all over his body (which had apparently won him some awards) he could stand the pain of my needle stick...
True Confessions of an Ex-Human has Divided We Fall:
Some of the things that caught my eye in the things I've read are truly disturbing. For instance, if one reads some articles, then all Republicans are mouth-breathing, illiterate, bible-thumping, morons who vote for whichever candidate says 'Jesus' the most. On the other hand, some articles try to show that all Democrats are elitist, intellectual, rich, snobby, god-hating, christian-bashing, atheistic, gay communists. Some articles try to claim that the election was stolen by Bush and company while others claim that Bush won by a landslide and therefore has a divine mandate from God saying that he's a good man.
Death ends fun has The Class of '74 Bra Flinging Story:
One night in their room, the girls sat down for a vital life lesson. One that would serve them for the breast part of, sorry the best part of, the breast of, sorry the rest of, their lives. One of the girls, I'll call her Nita, was chosen to impart the lesson. Why Nita, not that I have the least doubts about her performance on the job that night, has never been explained to me. But I suspect it had to do with her earlier-than-most encounter, not lost on us males, with puberty.And what was this lesson? How to remove a bra from one's person without first removing outer garment(s) from that selfsame person. That is, how to achieve such removal on one's own. Because we're not talking here about external personages effecting the said removals. That vital life lesson was left, we presumed and daydreamed about, for another day.
Right Wing Nuthouse has BLITZKRIEG...AMERICAN STYLE:
It's clear that coalition forces have a plan based on using their technological advantages to the fullest. And U.S. Special Forces have done a fantastic job of infiltrating terrorist strongholds and calling down the wrath of God in the form of U.S. strike planes on terrorist hide-outs.
TFS Magnum says CDC - still against guns:
The CDC has published another study, that details the dangers of those evil nasty guns. In this case "non powder guns" or BB guns, pellet guns and paint-ball guns...Now I don't mean to down-play the fact that whenever a child is needlessly injured, that is a tragedy, but I think a little perspective is in order.
Emigre Imagining has New Map !!! New Country Discovered !!! Middle Eastern !!!:
Forget whole new species !!! Intrepid web explorer has discovered whole new landmass !!!
The Statrix has In Defense of Voter Apathy:
Why, for example, do we not need P. Diddy to parade around and encourage IBM stockholders to vote for the Board of Directors? The reality is that the political voter is presented with a false choice; we may choose between two or more candidates, but may not choose to exit--we are forced to pay for either party's "programs" regardless of our vote. This is akin to the IBM shareholder being forbidden to sell her shares despite her lack or faith in management, or her large financial losses.
The UNPOPULIST has the Top Ten Signs You Will Never Reach the Coveted 11th Tier of Blogosphere Influence:
10. You add somebody to the blogroll, and they are immediately shut down and imprisoned under the "Superflous Article" of the Patriot Act.9. You venture a technical question you think sounds reasonable and the blogger-recipient promptly turns Mennonite.
8. You promote your blog on Live-Sex-Forum and in the Amish Weekly, Wagons Ho...
Origin of Storms on the consequences of blogging:
...is it fair for someone you know to read little snippets of thoughts from a web site, take them out of context, fill in the blanks and freak out?