November 15, 2004

Entry: The Class of '74 Bra Flinging Story

Death ends fun has The Class of '74 Bra Flinging Story:

One night in their room, the girls sat down for a vital life lesson. One that would serve them for the breast part of, sorry the best part of, the breast of, sorry the rest of, their lives. One of the girls, I'll call her Nita, was chosen to impart the lesson. Why Nita, not that I have the least doubts about her performance on the job that night, has never been explained to me. But I suspect it had to do with her earlier-than-most encounter, not lost on us males, with puberty.

And what was this lesson? How to remove a bra from one's person without first removing outer garment(s) from that selfsame person. That is, how to achieve such removal on one's own. Because we're not talking here about external personages effecting the said removals. That vital life lesson was left, we presumed and daydreamed about, for another day.

Posted by Simon at November 15, 2004 10:00 AM
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