November 16, 2004

Entry: Divided We Fall

True Confessions of an Ex-Human has Divided We Fall:

Some of the things that caught my eye in the things I've read are truly disturbing. For instance, if one reads some articles, then all Republicans are mouth-breathing, illiterate, bible-thumping, morons who vote for whichever candidate says 'Jesus' the most. On the other hand, some articles try to show that all Democrats are elitist, intellectual, rich, snobby, god-hating, christian-bashing, atheistic, gay communists. Some articles try to claim that the election was stolen by Bush and company while others claim that Bush won by a landslide and therefore has a divine mandate from God saying that he's a good man.

Posted by Simon at November 16, 2004 08:59 AM

Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity. Unknown

Posted by: used car auto loan at November 23, 2004 12:01 PM
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