January 10, 2005

Change of scene

Thanks for the offers of help. Over the weekend a second idea came to me of how the showcase could be run - as a carnival.

Each week a blogger would volunteer to run the showcase. For the sake of an example, admissions could be opened on Saturday, closing on Thursday. The full post with the showcased entries would be up by the following Monday and then the carnival moves to the next blog.

It would mean work for the host of that week, but in return it would generate extra traffic for the host blog each week.

So what do people prefer? A seperate site (the current method) or a carnival?

UPDATE: I am travelling again from Thursday and will back on Jan 24th. If you are interested in hosting the Showcase Carnival, leave a comment to this post. When I'm back we'll get the ball rolling and see how we go. Any ideas/suggestions/comments welcome. Please help spread the word.

Posted by Simon at January 10, 2005 03:11 AM

I think a Carnival would be the best way. Using this site link to the carnival host maybe, For us kinda new people to find the carnival would be a good thing.

Posted by: Michael at January 10, 2005 01:31 PM

Carnival might work.

As for this site, well, see


for what a GOOD carnival clearninghouse site looks like.

Posted by: Harvey at January 10, 2005 04:02 PM

Sounds cool... I'll volunteer for a week when needed... just drop me an email with what needs to be done once the details are worked out. Thanks for keeping this going...

Posted by: Lucas Brachish at January 10, 2005 08:57 PM

Sure, I'd be happy to volunteer for a week. E-mail me with the details.

Posted by: Karin at January 12, 2005 10:06 PM

I like the Carnival idea. Sign me up.

Posted by: Disintegrator at January 13, 2005 04:45 PM

I would be happy to talk about hosting or helping. I have space and bandwidth on my server.

let me know.

Posted by: Dean at January 14, 2005 11:21 PM

Multiple Mentality would be glad to host a New Blog Showcase. But not during the week of 2/7, and not during the month of July.

Sometime in late February or early March would be favorite.

Posted by: Josh Cohen at January 24, 2005 02:57 PM
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