September 08, 2004

Entry: Marketing problems

The Samp talks about Marketing problems:

Yes, it's true, I don't care much for some of the stuff other marketers do. Don't call me names like "purist" cuz I'm not. But. . . I must pontificate for a few minutes. . . this will be no manifesto, just some thoughts I have. If it makes you think and maybe consider your next move, good.

Sure, there's good stuff out there. But sometimes, I think the art of marketing gets so lost in what we do. What I mean is, a lot of the "stuff" out there is a result of what will sell, not what is needed. Is a marketer wrong for wanting to create lots of products and flog as many as they can? Probably not.

Posted by Simon at September 8, 2004 03:31 AM

I think that guy made sence.

Posted by: RIck J at September 11, 2004 04:02 AM
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