August 03, 2004

Entry: Defending Marriage

Laser Cub talks about Defending Marriage:

Senators are debating whether to seek a Constitutional amendment against gay marriage. Advocates of a ban say they aren't anti-gay -- they just want to preserve the sanctity of marriage as an institute between a man and a woman. When it comes to defending marriage, I say right on. With more than half of all marriages ending in divorce, American men and women can use all the help they can get. It's just that in the case of a gay marriage ban, I think lawmakers' efforts are a little misplaced.

Whether you like to get your information from religious groups or the news, I think you'll find most people agree on one of the biggest causes for heterosexual divorce -- and it's not gay marriage. Believe it or not, one of the issues couples most fight about is money. So wouldn't it seem like if politicians really cared about preserving marriages, they would spend more time worrying about the economy? And does it seem like maybe conservatives are pushing for a gay marriage ban so voters suffering from job losses will worry about social issues, instead of economic ones?

Posted by Simon at August 3, 2004 07:02 AM
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