July 08, 2004

Entry: Unfairenhate 9/11

Industrial Waste has Unfairenhate 9/11

Nowadays it seems that you either worship Bush like the Second Messiah, or you loathe him like the incarnation of Satan. Politics has become so divided and polarized that it has begun to resemble a savage holy war between two rival religions. And no where is there a more devout or fervent practitioner of the liberal religion than Michael Moore, a disgusting glob of lard who has become the leading jihadist of the Democratic Party.

His film, Fahrenheit 9/11, is not a documentary, inasmuch as a documentary contains some relation to the truth. Rather, it is a vision of a crude, conspiratorial hallucination, presented in convenient theatrical form. Moore despises our President with such pathological fervor that in his eyes, every Administration policy, from the war in Afghanistan to airport security, must be a vehicle for some unknown sinister motive, which, of course, has been dutifully covered up by the media.

Michael Moore, that fat, repulsive slob, lives in a paranoid delusion: a wild-eyed fantasy world in which greedy oil barons with deep connections to terrorist masterminds have seized control of the White House; in which a brainwashed citizenry blindly follows its leaders into an illegal war that, unbeknownest to them, was conceived in Texas by a petrol-thristy elite bent on plundering the Middle East's oil supplies; and in which Moore himself, that lone warrior of truth, is the only man who can rescue this nation of helpless dupes from the grips of an evil, money-grubbing cabal of corporate demons...

Posted by Simon at July 8, 2004 03:10 AM

I'm always ready to read criticism about Michael Moore, but every "writer" of the topic seems to go off on the same tired tangent: Michael Moore is fat. NO... REALLY?!?!?!?

If you are so educated on why Mr. Moore is wrong, why do you start bashing him because he's overweight? You kill your case from the get-go when you slam someone based on looks. I read no further after you insulted his physical stature. I thought might you have more to offer than Glenn Beck.

Posted by: Lance DuFrench at July 14, 2004 03:10 AM

In the consciousness of the truth he has perceived, man now sees everywhere only the awfulness or the absurdity of existence... and loathing seizes him.

Posted by: penis enlargement at February 25, 2005 07:53 AM
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