July 07, 2004

Entry: Twenty-Five Reasons I Might Call You a Jackass

Fuki Blog has another entry, this time Twenty-Five Reasons I Might Call You a Jackass

1. You ask me if I have seen that brilliant new film by Michael Moore.
2. You tell me that the government taxes me for my own good.
3. You look at me with that “you’re eating a poor dead animal” look as I consume my medium-rare rib-eye.
4. You happen to mention that I share my name with that aforementioned ass-clown.
5. You fail to put on your turn signal before turning into the same place that I have been trying for 10 minutes to get out of.
6. You get in the left lane on the interstate and drive at or below the posted speed limit.
7. You leave your shopping cart to roam aimlessly about the parking lot where it inevitably finds my driver’s side door.
8. You spout off some asinine comment about how I am doing my daughter a disservice by keeping her out of public schools.
9. You complain about what a mess our country has become, but you don’t vote.
10. You tell me that the UN serves any purpose other than providing totalitarian scumbags with a pulpit from which to beat the US.

Posted by Simon at July 7, 2004 02:29 AM


Posted by: Emma at July 8, 2004 02:13 AM

Glad you enjoyed it.

Posted by: S Michael Moore at July 8, 2004 04:56 AM
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