July 04, 2004

Entry: The Tao of the Cube

Idle Process gives you The Tao of The Cube, Parts 1&2:

Part 2: The Tao of the Meeting

...In an ideal world, this would be a convocation of ideas for the betterment of the team. In the real world, meetings are rife with infighting, backstabbing, posturing, grandstanding, teet-suckling, and boredom. Such discordance is obviously foreign to the Tao.

So what to do? In a majority of cases, it is unlikely you can do anything to improve the quality of the Meetings themselves. Your best option is to seek the Tao in regards to the Meeting, in such a way that the Meeting passes as quicky and dilutely as possible through your consciousness. While Meetings may seem a good time to meditate, in fact they are not. Often, it is good to appear to pay attention by nodding, smiling, even laughing or looking dour at the appropriate moments. These are obvious impediments to structured meditation.

I would like to introduce to you the state of mind known as The Open Window. The Open Window, as its name implies, means that your consciousness has escaped your body via the Window and is playing outside while the body conducts important Meeting business. In this manner, your body can appear lifelike while your mind is playing in the swingset of the Imagination...

Posted by Simon at July 4, 2004 12:45 AM
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