July 03, 2004

Entry: Someone is setting Drudge Up

The Great Satan says Someone is setting Drudge up:

Honestly, who in their right mind would believe that HRC would ever play second fiddle to John Kerry? And lets break it down, is there any other Democrat who is more polarizing than Hillary? She is either hated or loved and there is really no middle ground.

While 44 percent of Americans express a favorable opinion of Mrs. Clinton, 48 percent view her unfavorably an unusually high negative rating, and an unusually strong one.

ABC's unscientific online poll had a 53% no to a 41% yes when asking if:
"Would you like to see Hillary Clinton run for President?" So with Kerry's poll numbers falling based on an utter lack of message or focus, and not to mention utter lack of anything regarding excitement even in his base, why would he even entertain the idea of bringing a mega divisive figure like Hillary into the show? Someone who only gets support in a segment of her base, and has a negative rating higher than Kerrys. I don't see it happening, ever!

Posted by Simon at July 3, 2004 10:56 AM
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